Dental Extraction

Our dental clinic in Stoke-on-Trent performs dental extractions and remove teeth on a daily basis.

Dental Extraction

Dental Extraction (Teeth removal) Stoke-On-Trent

Our dental clinic in Stoke-on-Trent performs dental extractions and remove teeth on a daily basis. With many years of experience performing this procedure, we can remove all teeth including wisdom teeth as well.

We would normally try and retain as many teeth as possible, however on certain occaions we may remove teeth including:

Young boy being seen at a dentist's office. Concept of toothache, tooth extraction, anesthesia, problems with cavities or gums. Oral health care. Dentist's day.
Portrait of a child patient and the hands of a pediatric dentist with dental forceps, close-up. painless extraction of teeth. pediatric dentistry.

Tooth extractions are carried out under local anaesthetic to make extractions as painless as possible. We use periotomes and luxators and a gentle extraction technique to preserve as much jaw bone as possible. This is important as this will ensure minimal post operative pain and swelling, and will also help bone retention for future implant work. Bone retention is also important aesthetically as it avoids the “sunken in appearance” that people with dental bone loss have.

We also routinely remove wisdom teeth and accept referrals from dentists around Stoke-on-Trent.

We also offer IV or RA sedation to all nervous patients.

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