NHS Braces
Refused NHS orthodontic treatment?
Also you can use our 0% finance facility and spread the costs over 12 months making it easily affordable. If you or your child has been refused NHS orthodontic treatment then please contact our friendly team who will be able to discuss the options with you.
What is orthodontics?
Orthodontics is a Greek word that literally means ‘to straighten teeth’. It is a type of dental treatment that aims to improve the appearance, position and function of crooked or abnormally arranged teeth. Orthodontics uses mechanical devices, such as a brace, over a certain period of time (usually 18 months to two years) to correct the position of the teeth.
Unlike teeth whitening toothpastes, which do not whiten teeth, we are very confident our products will produce remarkable results.
Why do some children need braces?
Sometimes, a child’s teeth and jaw do not develop in the normal way. The medical term for teeth that are out of position is malocclusion. Some cases of malocclusion occur for no obvious reason. Other cases are the result of certain behaviours, such as frequent thumb sucking, or an injury to the teeth or bones of the face
Many cases of malocclusion do not pose serious health concerns. However, if malocclusion is not corrected during the teenage years, it may affect the appearance of the teeth and the shape of the face. This could cause psychological and emotional problems, such as lack of self-confidence, anxiety and depression.
More severe cases of malocclusion can affect the functioning ability of the teeth, mouth and jaw. For example, it can make it difficult for a person to eat food; cleaning the teeth may be harder and the teeth may be vulnerable to damage.
Malocclusion is much more common than most people think. For example, a recent study carried out in England found that around a third of 12 year olds would benefit from some degree of orthodontic treatment.

NHS Orthodontics
Orthodontic treatment is generally available for:
- people aged under 18 years old
- have a clear clinical need for treatment
- NHS orthodontic care is not usually available for adults but may be approved on a case-by-case basis if the functional needs are great.
Unfortunately we cannot provide NHS orthodontic treatment but we offer a range of orthodontic treatments to suit a range of budgets and personal requirements.
The most cost effective option is to have standard metal braces and wires however we can also provide cosmetic tooth straightening options which are much more discrete.
Who decides if I am eligble for NHS braces?
A rating system, known as the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN), is used to assess the need and eligibility of individual cases. The IOTN consists of five grades, which are outlined below. NHS treatment is available for grade 4 and grade 5 cases. Grade 3 cases are usually judged on a case-by-case basis. Treatment may be made available if the appearance of a person’s teeth is particularly unattractive.
is for minor irregularities with the teeth, such as: slightly protruding upper teeth slightly irregular teeth the position of the upper and lower teeth is not entirely symmetrical, such as a mild overbite or underbite, but this does not interfere with the normal function of the teeth
is for more marked irregularities with the teeth that do not usually need treatment for health reasons. For example: upper front teeth that protrude 4mm less than normal the upper teeth are slightly out of position which only interferes with normal function to a minor degree (less than 2mm) irregularly positioned teeth that are 4mm or less out of line the back teeth do not touch each other when the mouth is closed (this is known as an open bite) the lower teeth are overlapped by the upper teeth (this is known as a deep bite), but this does not interfere with normal function
is for severe irregularities with the teeth that need treatment for health reasons. For example: upper front teeth that protrude more than 6mm the position of the upper and lower teeth is more than 2mm out of their normal location in terms of symmetry and is interfering with normal function lower front teeth protrude in front of the upper teeth by more than 3.5mm irregularly positioned teeth that are more than 4mm out of line deep bite that interferes with normal function
is for severe dental health problems, such as: when teeth are unable to come through into the mouth due to an obstruction, crowding, additional teeth or any other cause a large number of missing teeth upper front teeth that protrude by more than 9mm the normal development of the skull and/or jaw has been disrupted, e.g. by a cleft lip and palate (a birth defect where there is a split in the roof of the mouth, the top lip or both)
Need an Appointment?
Finance Options
Spread the cost of treatment to make it more affordable
One arch
from £73 per month
- subject to status
- Conditions apply
- Representative example:
- Cash price £1800
- 24 monthly payments of £80.46
- Total cost £1931.04
- Representative APR 9.9%
Both arches
from £70 per month
- subject to status
- Conditions apply
- Representative example:
- Cash price £2200
- 36 monthly payments of £70.51
- Total cost £2538.36
- Representative APR 9.9%